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  10.10.6 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(五/一) 之 【高盧人安盛全無社會責任及鮮廉寡恥 - Oct 07, 2018全港澳Tesla車主公開信電郵保監張雲正投訴 Nov 16, 2018立法會功能組別保險界陳健波議員跟進】









MMS Momentum Marketing Services (S’pore) Pte Ltd. HKSAR Office tel : 3469-5703 Registered Branch Add: Suite 33, Enterprise One, Tower 1, 9 Sheung Yuet Rd, Kowloon Bay. HKSAR 電郵: [email protected]

Nov 16, 2018





 from: St Lee

to: complaints , [email protected]

cc: [email protected], WONG Nathaniel 

[email protected], [email protected],

Fanny Chun 

[email protected]

bcc: [email protected], Alan.tam@age

date: Nov 27, 2018, 7:03 PM

subject: “Deja Vu” & “C'est la vie” 

To: Insurance Authority 

For the Kindest Attention of Ms Konnie Kwan 


Dear Ms Kwan, 

Your yesterday and other various and several previous responses refer. 

Konnie, being very frank, it has really appeared to me a strong sense of “Deja Vu” in reading your so far so similarly moulded responses/alibis to re-collect what Professor Chan of EOC had always openly said, or blamed, in another word.  

漏報兼職賴助手 陳章明致歉 - 東方日報 4.5.2 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十三) 之 【高盧人安盛濫權剝奪代理知情權損平機原則以掩醜 東方日報 Nov 20, 2018 當眾無情打臉 平機會陳章明誓以實幹實績還清譽】 P.   

   1.16.4 《史記‧孫子吳起列傳》之兵聖孫子曰:“將受命於帥,軍令不明,帥之過也”。公開信Nov 27, 2018致特首林鄭月娥女士及財政司陳茂波先生指出她/他作為平機會及保監之帥,應負「軍令不明」之過之責  P.   

So, I guess the Public and I, as a result of poor judgment and ignorance, had always been mistakenly, wrongly and unfairly blaming on the innocent IA and EOC for always throwing their balls to other people’s courts and that alibi for your job and power areas and resources are rather limited comparing with other Governmental organizations. 

This is obviously and extremely unfair to the IA and EOC and the Public and I will seek the very acute and learned comments and guidance from Madam Lam and Mr. Chan, the problems might have stemmed from them 2, so that the future procedures of the 2 organizations may be streamlined in due course. 

In passing, Ms Kwan, I had on Nov 25, 2018 submitted the below request, not a complaint unless and until it is ignored after 42 days as mentioned in my submission but a reference no. From your office should be notified to me so that I may remain quiet and patient. This time, I am 101% sure that the buck stops at your Desk, for the Public and I could not possibly be wrong that the IA must be solely and collectively responsible for monitoring the from time to time financial strengths of insurance firms in HKSAR. 

  5.1.1 Nov 25, 2018公開信致函保監主席鄭慕智先生及總裁張雲正先生 十大理由質疑高盧人安盛之財務狀況 公眾要求緊急查証AXA最新財務表 以安以息眾多保戶無限憂慮疑團 P.    5.1.2 「安盛靠得住 猪乸會上樹 - 高盧人安盛財務狀況堪虞 李偲嫣女士領導全港保險代理 嚴正要求保監証監金融管理局 斥令高盧人安盛馬上遞交最新財務狀況 阻止即將發生的另一雷曼兄弟「假帳目真騙子」事件 P.   

If, say, this is eventually found not the domain of your knowledge/responsibilities, I mean item 5.1.1, the Public and I would think that the IA staffs can do nothing more in the big and luxury office in Aberdeen and at the same time, say, if I should be again wrong this particular time, I probably may find it very necessary to immediately stab and bloodshed myself and silently swallow your reply by saying “C'est la vie”. 

Either you will hear from me, after seeking enlightenment from the 2 really high ranking officials, for further news or, as a lovely vision, and may it be, I may expect to receive a constructive response from you within 42 days, I hope.


My Most Humble Regards, 



Frank Lee   



Wrecking balls in the industry..

留言: Prudential Agents   2018-11-17 08:16:30 回覆

AXA agents are all wrecking balls....

留言: Manulife Agents   2018-11-17 07:46:19 回覆


留言: 安盛十二金釵 排名第四 溫婉表妹Iris Shui   2018-11-16 18:38:32 回覆


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