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  長篇連載法庭案件HCA 77/2020 第卅一回:諾貝爾得獎者並當今一代金融經濟統計數學領域權威Eugene Fama:安盛「Evolution」騙局乃名副其實、如假包換職業慣騙的天仙騙局




.諾貝爾得獎者並當今一代金融經濟統計數學領域權威 Eugene F Fama | The University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessScience Nobel Prizes must change to remain relevant in the 21st centuryEugene Fama 高盧人安盛Evolution - HKIF特大跨國基金投資騙局乃名副其實、不折不扣、如假包換職業慣騙精心設計的天仙騙........一齊與Eugene Fama和李牧試分析舉証之....... 歡迎會員參與討論


諾貝爾得獎者並當今一代金融經濟統計數學領域權威Eugene Fama高盧人安盛Evolution - HKIF特大跨國基金投資騙局乃名副其實、不折不扣、如假包換職業慣騙精心設計的二百億人民幣老千天仙騙局。

高盧人安盛每年固定收取3%管理費;東方航空同樣固定每年收取7%;申氏兄弟及范敬智、韓慧貞、位於紐約負責洗淨黑錢及分贜安排的劉兆等一大團伙則每年收取至少10%、再另加正常基金運作費用至少約2-3%,即係話Evolution - HKIF騙局計劃裡面唯一的一隻基金Evolution - HKIF(無論在移形換影、李代桃僵、移花接木騙技之前或之後)每年至少要淨賺22%以上先至和和果果平手,試問一間自稱全球保險第一品牌的公司會認為這樣的投資計劃是可行而推出公眾市場嗎? 


男子精心策划骗来20万元转身就被别人骗光|诈骗_新浪新闻 9.4.1 論高盧人安盛式基金詐騙的真面目之(一)<0.6Eugene Fama與原告人數學演算舉証拆穿揭破高盧人安盛之所有儲蓄及基金投資計劃皆為有預謀並行之已二百年詐騙行為   


 抵制安盛  驅逐安盛    光復保險  再開霽色




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因為呢班江湖慣騙客有  標記嘅 Investment Managers,就係偷竊虧空「Evolution - HKIF」特大跨國基金投資騙局二百億人民幣、造成三千戶苦主、糟蹋了至少十條八條人命嘅騙徒,部份已被香港及國內執法機關拘捕。呢堆所謂 Investment Managers 系列擺明就係加辣版攞你命「Evolution - HKIF 2.0」”         

 Dec 09, 2020 蘋果日報 警方破逾百億AXA安盛 Evolution - HKIF特大跨國基金投資騙局「投連險」騙案 拘主腦香港律師和 First Asia 申氏兄弟        


Eugene F Fama | The University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessScience Nobel Prizes must change to remain relevant in the 21st century









Eugene F. Fama, 2013 Nobel laureate in economic sciences, is widely recognized as the "father of modern finance." His research is well known in both the academic and investment communities. He is strongly identified with research on markets, particularly the efficient markets hypothesis. He focuses much of his research on the relation between risk and expected return and its implications for portfolio management. His work has transformed the way finance is viewed and conducted.  



Fama is a prolific author, having written two books and published more than 100 articles in academic journals. He is among the most cited researchers in economics.  



In addition to the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, Fama was the first elected fellow of the American Finance Association in 2001. He is also a fellow of the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was the first recipient of three major prizes in finance: the Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics (2005), the Morgan Stanley American Finance Association Award for Excellence in Finance (2007), and the Onassis Prize in finance (2009). Other awards include the 1982 Chaire Francqui (Belgian National Science Prize), the 2006 Nicholas Molodovsky Award from the CFA Institute recognizing his work in portfolio theory and asset pricing, and the 2007 Fred Arditti Innovation Award given by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Center for Innovation. He was awarded doctor of law degrees by the University of Rochester and DePaul University, a doctor honoris causa by the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, and a doctor of science honoris causa by Tufts University.  




Fama is an advisory editor of the Journal of Financial Economics.


Fama earned a bachelor's degree from Tufts University in 1960, followed by an MBA and PhD from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (now the Booth School) in 1964. He joined the GSB faculty in 1963.   



Fama is a father of four and a grandfather of ten. He is an avid windsurfer and golfer, an opera buff, and a faded tennis player. He is a member of Malden Catholic High School's athletic hall of fame.   



Research Interests
Theoretical and empirical work on investments; price formation in capital markets; corporate finance.



Academic Areas

The Death of the Starving Artist: Patronage via Patreon - Technology and  Operations Management 
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