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1368年明初太原之戰 「卧底」獨夫一人之力 竟可左右兩軍勝負 兩國興衰 兩朝交替

For the Kindest attention of 私隱專員公署專員鍾麗玲 and Heung Chin Pang of AIA

Dear Sir and Madam,
With this email, we, the public and all AIA insurance agents, have come to ask you to urgently and seriously look into the matter, intending to lodge a serious complaint against one of the current HK AIA agents named Jo Lam Chok林作.

Obviously, the mentioned Jo Lam Chok had brutally and illegally used our private and confidential personal datas when we applied for the post of insurance agent with AIA in no uncertain terms black society ways. The particular victim and us are now extremely worried because there are people, in confidence of their riches and power, bullying and hurting the weak never-endingly, unless and until your Department takes the very necessary action to warn them and at the same time ensure that they destroy all the personal data we had given them before, whether or not we are still their current agents.

This is ugly, blackmailing, threatening, shameful, bullying, setting the fine regulations of the 隱公署 at defiance, and to a large extent unlawful deeds. As a matter of fact, the victim is now so worried and frightened, and still quaking, that he suffers a mixture of mega anxiety and chronic depression as a result of the below Yellow highlighted wordings and the relevant self-explanatory computer captures openly done by some shameless blackguards in the full light of the day.


Your Dept's acute guidance please.

Frank Li and so many potential victims working in AIA
Address: 7/F., Enterprise One, Tower 1, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay. 公開信致:尊敬的保監主席姚建邦先生、申訴專員趙慧賢女士及立法局主席梁君彥先生,





申訴專員趙女士及保監主席姚先生,本人也曾於2024.01.19專函密函兩位,以實証嚴正指出保監/張雲正與友邦保險馮偉昌/安盛保險涉及其中至少一單九萬元之政府公敞私相授受鐵証,至今也無示覆。如繼續官官相衛的拒絕回應,本人除將向廉署投訴外,也必將向保安局及中聯辦作出舉報式投訴,蓋兩位之作為極有可能將多如牛毛的各種各樣「欺凌」及「剪屠」事件,最終轉化導纖至成為普遍的「官逼民反」而「民被逼得不得不反」而嚴重危害國安也。再且,友邦馮偉昌乃法輪功信徒人所共知,張雲正與馮偉昌私下關系如此密切鬼祟,SOMETHING IS REALLY ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK了。

本人也曾屢屢公開提醒立法局主席梁君彥先生,謂現任保險功能界馮偉昌正重施通緝犯郭榮鏗之故技以臥底立法局,危害國家安全。區區一局之奸尚且不掃不除,何以為祖國「摘伏除奸」香港一地,遂令所有立法局議員及人大代表乃至黨國主席習近平皆有可能最終成為「罪犯賤民」;梁主席同時也未能為祖國鋪好武統台灣大業前所必需之「無所顧 有所恃」戰略環境,也未有盡到應有責任及義務為黨國及立法局之「名譽」自我如聖哲叔本華所說的公開反駁舉証自証清白並澄清而戰,有違人之至情,必與馮偉昌有所奸有所圖。

An open request from people in the field of insurance

For the Kindest attention of 保監張雲正總裁 of IA and Heung Chin Pang of AIA again
I have felt the very high and extremely urgent necessities that you 張雲正先生, as the CEO of IA, and Mr. Heung Chin Pang, as his immediate superior, of AIA are to investigate Jo Lam's customer sources, whether the transactions are completed legally and properly and premium payments have originated from, for we all think that there have been so much money laundering affairs there.
Moreover, tragedies appeared looming.
If you do not do it, we shall approach the appropriate depts in China and Hong Kong w/o the least hesitation.
Thank you,
The public and Frank Li, full name as appeared in passport  


For the Kindest attention of 保監張雲正總裁

The below captures from the facebook contents of an insurance man 林作 are submitted herewith for your reference and guidance.
Grateful if you would kindly give me a suitable complaint form to my email address of [email protected] or to my office address at Enterprise Square One, Tower 1, 7/F., 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay.

Complainant: the public, and Mr. Frank Li 李重德, as appeared in the passport





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