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  1.16.1 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十四) 保監投訴檔案:MC/COMP/18/11/043







from: St Lee

to: IARB Secretariat

[email protected]

cc: complaints

[email protected]

date: Jul 22, 2019, 6:47 PM

subject: Fwd: [MC/COMP/18/11/043 ] Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you do not owe the Public and me a reply..... 

Kindest Attention: Ms Konnie Kwan 

Noted with thanks. 


Kindest Attention: Ms 鄭芷女士 

Ms Konnie Kwan's message of even date refers. 

I do think you have also received the below relevant several emailing exchanges at the same time I emailed to Ms Konnie Kwan of IA. Now Ms Kwan has correctly got the point of questions. 

My queries were on AXA's 享譽及綽譽計劃  proposal. If the agents do not care to reply, in obvious contempt of the IARB's rules and regulations, the Public and I would feel that the IARB should crack the whip and enforce them to reply under the Insurance rules and regulations set out by the IARB, as insurance agents and as an insurer in Hong Kong. 

Could you let me have the required reply at your earliest convenience, more than a year's delay is definitely not acceptable by any sane persons, expecting by me to receive it before Aug 10, 2019, and failure of their do so we suggest the IARB may consider to give an ultimatum warning to the relevant agents for the very likely possible consequences of their licenses being suspended until they are strictly obliged to reply under the rules and regulations of IARB, and an open warning letter to AXA, just like what the FCA did to AXA's scam and fraudulent subsidiary company Swiss Privilege, so that the IARB would not once again look very stupid to the Public as a lamb duck or paper tiger existing for nothing but eroding the tax-payers' precious resources. 

I shall seek the guidance of the Office of Ombudsman and comments from the Chief Executive Madam Carrie Lam if I do not receive the necessary answer by latest Aug 10, 2019. 

Very incompetent, compared with the IA. 

My Kindest Regards,


Frank Lee


from: St Lee

to: IARB Secretariat [email protected]>,[email protected]

bcc: philip yu

"Chandar, Sarin"

[email protected],

[email protected],

date: Jul 6, 2019, 11:00 AM 

subject: Re: [MC/COMP/18/11/043 ] Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you do not owe the Public and me a reply.....

For the kindest attention of Mr. Clement Cheun,陳沛良先生,保監關國玲女士、保聯HKFI鄭芷女士


Dear Sir and Madam,


DLLM」,睇見保監咁鳩做事法,就火都黎埋,我咁「L」蠢仲係Note 7代言人都要媽叉你班大食懶,不知所謂。 


仆街冚家剷問題2018年4月11日先第一次處女提出電郵追極高盧人安盛都無回應然後 Nov 21, 2018 先至搵保監睇睇佢2018年12月14日保監話搞緊May 09, 2019阿德仲追緊保監嘮嘮嘈嘈話仲未有收到AXA回覆


1.16.2 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十二 - MC/COMP/18/11/043) Jul 05, 2019 保監荒謬回覆搞到杜汶澤火都嚟埋  眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十二)高盧人安盛代理言語虛假陳述蓄意誤導「享譽及綽譽計劃」被拆穿,行政部配合違規違法拒要求作書面文字解釋條款,笑視千鈞保監証監條例如髮 (有錄音 備查) - Nov 21, 2018電郵保監張雲正投訴高盧人安盛公司、Mr. Alfred Chan、 Mr. Joseph Lau、 Mr. Jason Wat、 Mr. Nathaniel Wong、 Ms Andrea Wong、 Mr. Peter Lai




你地講乜鳩野Fund Prices呀,呢樣阿德一早已經公開解釋咗並附上實例及計算方法,指住和尚駡禿驢落鳩高盧人安盛面話明高盧人安盛所有有關基金方面都係不折不扣嘅瘋搶狂掠騙局,牛頭角順嫂都知喇,阿德使乜鳩明知故問高盧人安盛個躪癱呢?










之前投訴黃金榜上題名竟然會無鳩端端無Peter Lai, Nat Wong, Daniel Lau三個,阿德多番追佢哋答覆呢個乜鳩「享譽及綽譽計劃」幾個簡單問題嗰陣時,都有同時俾副本其它高層管理Mr. Jason Wat Ms Andrea Wong,白紙黑字明示佢哋是鳩旦一個答都得㗎嘞,但係佢哋一隻二隻都唔肯依代理義務及條例作覆,理都唔理。個牌仲可以俾佢哋


投訴黃金榜上題名除咗Peter Lai, Nat Wong, Daniel Lau呢三個偶失龍頭望,至少都唔應該入唔到圍進入殿試㗎!


另外,投訴黃金榜提名上Mr. Jason Wat Ms Andrea Wong都唔應該名落孫山卦,唔肯答人客嘅疑問,仲霸住揸住個保險牌嚟托咩








保聯有乜鳩本事、有乜鳩資格代人答呢幾個問題呢?保聯嗰封所謂May 2019嘅信喺邊鳩度呢?又係鳩噏!















P. S. 小弟再次表明書少讀,講嘢寫嘢粗鄙係人都知,自己都認衰呢瓢,祈咪以為我係對你兩位官大人或者兩女士無禮貌呀墨水就係得咁鳩少,我都好「L」慚愧,但無計,總之大家出嚟撈嘅,對事唔好對人就好易拆掂囉。 




from: St Lee

to: IARB Secretariat [email protected],complaints [email protected]

bcc: "Chandar, Sarin" kathleen.collins@fran

date: Jul 5, 2019, 8:10 PM

subject: Fwd: [MC/COMP/18/11/043 ] Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you do not owe the Public and me a reply.....

For the kindest attention of Mr. Clement Cheung 保監關國玲女士、保聯 HKFI 鄭芷女士


Dear Mr. Clement Cheung and Ms Konnie Kwan,


1. The Public and I can no longer endure the chaos situation long prevailing in the IA and IARB. In today's email, you said that AXA had already written to me direct in March. But, what date? You did mention in your previous letter that you had instructed AXA to reply to me with a copy to you, right

Can you then show me a copy of that letter that evidenced you had ever received such a letter, if ever any. If not, pls kindly ask AXA for one and then mail it to me - postage 100% guaranteed. 


Our Dearest Mr. Clement Cheung, if you are not too easy forgetting, you still remember in mid-2009, AXA confirmed to you, you were the then Commissioner, and to the whole world that they had in accordance with your instruction mailed out the copy of agent agreement via registered mail, but it was later for at least 2-3 months found untrue? 

AXA has all long been a habitual and shameless liar which is the stereotypical characteristic of the Gauls.


If AXA did not or did not want to mention the date of the letter, and thus implying that the IA had never ever really verified their allegations, there must be obviously something rotten in the State of Denmark!


All these years, you had been fooled by AXA's playful and barbaric behaviors and the Public must now say that we are now puzzling to decide whether the IA job is not suitable to you or you are not suitable for the job. 

2. On the other hand, you had in this letter mentioned that the IARB had sent the reply to me. Oh my goodness, I had specifically pointed out with emphasis that I was intending to demand for the reply from AXA  concerning their 「享譽及綽譽計劃」. IARB is in no position to reply on behalf of AXA. The reply can only be from AXA direct to me with a copy to you as mentioned in your previous letter.


In passing, pls show us the so-mentioned IARB letter of May 2019 letter that did not bear a date, and thus again implying that the IA had never ever really verified the matter but replied in too much of a hurry.


IARB is not proficient or professional enough, evidencing by their not showing the date of their so-called reply letter - extremely fishy....


If they ever had that letter, you should attach that letter with your this email and slam on my face with facts almost on the spot, not merely vague words, so that you may have many quiet hours from then on. This is just not the kind or form of reply from a Governmental organization!


Honestly, there is absolutely an occasion for the Public to worry about the operation of the IARB under the management of Mr. P.L. Leung. Simply putting off a question is not the suitable manner of a proper reply from a Governmental organization!


Carelessness is one thing but not being efficient/proficient for the job position is another.


Judging from this more than ridiculous case, the Public and I would like to demand you to resign from the CEO of IA and discharge yourself as the JP of the HKSAR immediately, not purely because of your working attitude or efficiency but purely because of your stupidity. You had never learnt from the mid-2009 lesson from AXA....


Did you or any of your staffs ever check or review any of your out-going mails before they are dispatched, bearing in mind that there is never a second chance to give a first impression.....

Being appointed by the HKSAR CEO Carrie Lam as the heads of IA and IARB is not play and cannot be treated to look like play.

I have nothing to add anymore, very disappointing, but for sure that if I cannot get a proper reply from you IA or IARB, I can always look for it elsewhere, as the civil right of a lawful born HKSAR citizen and, most importantly, a tax-payer.

Until and unless the Public and I can have a proper reply from you, we are putting you Mr. Clement Cheung and Mr. P.L. Leung in the list of "Trust but Verify", whether you like it or not.

My Humble and Kindest Regards,

Frank Lee 

To: St Lee

Cc: complaints  

Dear Mr. Li, 

Please see the attached file. 

Best Regards, 

Insurance Authority 


from:           St Lee

to:     [email protected],IARB Secretariat complaints [email protected]

bcc:  "Chandar, Sarin"

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯 HKFI 鄭芷女士  

Dear Madam, 

AXA is strictly and by law obliged to give a formal reply, and it's one of the HKFI's major job areas to make them to do so, to the potential customers, including me, of course, if the potential customers should have any queries on the terms and conditions of AXA's products. Do you think the potential customers may afford to wait for more than 6 stupid months? Is there anything to hide? 

I informed the case to both IA and HKFI late last year already. I sensed an insurance fraud, for it just doesn't make sense or logic to any sane people including me at all. 

Kindly consider to make AXA to reply direct to me latest next Thursday please. 

My Warmest Regards, 

Frank Lee

On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 8:58 PM St Lee

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯 HKFI 鄭芷女士  

Just want to ensure no misunderstanding in regard to my preparing to write to the Office of Ombudsman with a copy, not just for casual information but for comments, that I meant the below particular matter, not the general overall case which I knew you are working on it.

1.16.1 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十四) 保監投訴檔案:MC/COMP/18/11/043   
♦ Nov 21, 2018電郵保監張雲正投訴高盧人安盛公司、Mr. Alfred Chan、 Mr. Joseph Lau、 Mr. Jason Wat、 Mr. Nathaniel Wong、 Ms Andrea Wong、 Mr. Peter Lai P. 厚顏無恥 「享譽及綽譽計劃」內容懷疑被蓄意誤導,四月十一日致函要求代理及安盛書面澄清, 惟高盧安盛不敢書面覆 P.     

My Kindest Regards, 

Frank Lee李重德



from: St Lee

to: [email protected],IARB Secretariat ,complaints ,[email protected]

Bcc: "Chandar,Sarin" [email protected],[email protected].....

subject: Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you shall cease to owe the Public and me a reply....

date: Jul 2, 2019, 12:23 PM

subject: Re: Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you shall cease to owe the Public and me a reply.....

For the kindest atttention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯 HKFI 鄭芷女士


Re: MC/COMP/18/11/043       1.16.1 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十四) 保監投訴檔案:MC/COMP/18/11/043 輸打贏要 高盧人安盛本色本性 


Dear Madam,








from:      St Lee

to:   [email protected],IARB Secretariat,complaints,[email protected]

date:       Jul 2, 2019, 11:29 AM

subject:  Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you shall cease to owe the Public and me a reply....

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯 HKFI 鄭芷女士

Dear Madam,

Exhausting patience, I am referring you two organizations to the below:

Jun 17, 2019 保監一如之前Dec 14, 2018 回覆     

You have taken more than half of a year to give me a reply from AXA and/or from you but I still do not hear anything from you.

I probably will write a more than serious complaint letter to the Office of Ombudsman, against the Chairman persons, not you, of course, if I do not hear anything from you by the end of this week, with a copy to the Hong Kong Chief Executive Officer Carrie Lam in open letter manner.

Your refusal/evasion to reply does not mean that you shall cease to owe the Public and me a reply.....

Thanking for your attention.

My Kindest Regards,   


Frank Lee

from: St Lee

to: IARB Secretariat

[email protected]complaints [email protected]

date: Jun 14, 2019, 8:17 PM 

subject: 到依家都未覆,我杜汶澤同李偲嫣都唔知點鳩樣服侍

 æœªæä¾›ç›¸ç‰‡èªªæ˜Žã€‚     1.16.1 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十四) 保監投訴檔案:MC/COMP/18/11/043 輸打贏要 高盧人安盛本色本性 



♦ Jun 07 & 14 , 2019 再促調查保險業界破壞球高盧人安盛  

♦ Jun 05, 2019 猛人杜汶澤李偲嫣助陣 回覆保聯信件  

♦ May 29, 2019 促調查保險業界Wrecking Ball 高盧人安盛  

♦ May 08, 2019 HKFI轉灣末角、左閃右避後回覆  

♦ Nov 12, 2018 電郵向保監張雲正投訴高盧人安盛公司、Mr. Alfred Chan、 Mr. Joseph Lau、 Mr. Daniel Lau、 Mr. Nathaniel Wong、Mr. Peter Lai  

♦ 2018年3月5日高盧人安盛代理蓄意虛假陳述詐騙的故事(有錄音錄影,備查) 



from: St Lee

to: [email protected], complaints 

[email protected], IARB Secretariat 

bcc: [email protected], "Chandar, Sarin" 

[email protected], 

[email protected], [email protected], 

[email protected], [email protected].....

date: Jun 7, 2019, 10:55 PM

subject: Re: JC R18/1181-1182 - 登記人士: 陳國興先生 及 劉華怡先生 / I.A. Ref.: MC/COMP/18/11/043

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯HKFI鄭芷女士

from: St Lee

to: [email protected]complaints [email protected], 

IARB Secretariat 

cc: Public Complaint 

date: Jun 7, 2019, 1:08 AM 

subject: JC R18/1181-1182 - 登記人士: 陳國興先生 及 劉華怡先生 / I.A. Ref.: MC/COMP/18/11/043

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯HKFI鄭芷女士

This is a Reminder, Reminding that you would kindly consider to favor us a reply in regard to the materials provided in answering Item 1, in particular regarding as to whether I should need to have our reply letter of Jun 05, 2019 oathed in, so that we may be able to proceed to respond Item 2, of your letter of May 08, 2019 without the slightest delay. 

Thanking for your Kindest Attention. 

My Warmest Regards, 


Frank Lee 

鼓勵公眾檢舉高盧人安盛違規違法或詐騙犯罪無良代理,每則薄酬一百港元,無須先行查証,即付;成功在保監保聯警方海關等立案調查者,每宗個案二千元。保密,決不食言 P.   

“click below link”的图片搜索结果


From: St Lee

To: IARB Secretariat 

Cc: complaints 

Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 3:17 PM  

Subject: JC R18/1181-1182 - 登記人士: 陳國興先生 及 劉華怡先生 / I.A. Ref.: MC/COMP/18/11/043

For the kindest attention of 保監關國玲女士、保聯HKFI鄭芷女士




Dear Madam, 

In accordance with your instruction via letter of May 08, 2019, I am submitting a response letter dated Jun 05, 2019 in PDF. Format as shown below. 

I have today duly replied to item 1 of your instruction and further letter to respond to item 2 will follow before Jun 09, 2019 as indicated, preferably after hearing from you to our letter of today.     

Thanking for your Kindest attention, and my Best possible Regards,


Frank Lee李重德 

鼓勵公眾檢舉高盧人安盛違規違法或詐騙犯罪無良代理,每則薄酬一百港元,無須先行查証,即付;成功在保監保聯警方海關等立案調查者,每宗個案二千元。保密,決不食言 P.   

“click below link”的图片搜索结果
From: St Lee

To: IARB Secretariat 

Cc: complaints 

Bcc: [email protected] 

Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 19:52:21 +0800 

Subject: Re: JC R18/1181-1182 - 登記人士: 陳國興先生 及 劉華怡先生 / I.A. Ref.: MC/COMP/18/11/043 

For the kindest attention of 鄭芷女士HKFI


Dear Madam, 

Finally, I have received your first but so late response letter of May 8, 2019 and the contents of which are carefully noted. 

I shall be submitting the relevant tapes and concrete evidences as instructed by the HKFI soon, after consulting my legal advisers. 

In passing, I have noted 2 things:

1. Your letter appears to me a simple ordinary letter exchange of no significant importance and that most importantly no file number has so far been established in the HKFI since my complaint letter as long time ago as last Nov, 2018. 

2. My complaint form to IA was for 5 complainants and it now appears 3 complainants are missing in your previous and forthcoming investigations without explanation. I will therefor include the very necessary evidences of the other 3 complainants in my reply letter, unless I hear from you to the contrary through a specific guidance. 

Kindly be informed that if the HKFI should be found by the Public and me of no valued assistance or the current affair is eventually found not within your job areas, we shall consider to approach the SFC and IA alternatively. 

In the general interest of the Public, to add weight to my complaint, I have requested the stand-by assistance from 尹兆堅議員、李偲嫣女士and 杜汶澤先生 

 just like the Tesla complaint case detailed in 

  10.10.5 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(五) 之【高盧人安盛全無社會責任及鮮廉寡恥 Jan 03, 2019尹兆堅議員回覆事件已得到正視Oct 07, 2018全港澳Tesla車主公開信電郵保監張雲正投訴 Nov 16, 2018立法會尹兆堅議員跟進】P.    


My Warmest Regards, 




The Original Complaint Form :


The Circumstances :

  1.16.1 眾口一詞 指斥怒駡劣跡斑斑高盧人安盛(十四) 保監投訴檔案:MC/COMP/18/11/043  
鼓勵公眾檢舉高盧人安盛違規違法或詐騙犯罪無良代理,每則薄酬一百港元,無須先行查証,即付;成功在保監保聯警方海關等立案調查者,每宗個案二千元。保密,決不食言 P.   


Better late than never come HKFI letter!

留言: Wendy   2019-05-10 10:13:35 回覆


留言: 安盛十二金釵 排名第四 溫婉表妹Iris Shui   2018-11-16 18:43:26 回覆


留言: 安盛十二釵 排名第三 美艷親王Angela Wu    2018-11-15 09:38:49 回覆


留言: Uncle 6   2018-11-15 02:06:09 回覆


留言: 安盛十二釵之一 排名第一 花之魁Barbara Siu   2018-11-12 08:32:10 回覆


留言: AXA令全保險業界蒙羞   2018-11-12 05:26:47 回覆


留言: Botex愛好者潘姑奶奶    2018-08-10 07:54:19 回覆


留言: Catherine   2018-08-07 08:23:27 回覆


留言: 香港保險業界   2018-08-07 08:22:44 回覆


留言: 香港保險業界   2018-08-07 08:19:13 回覆

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