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  長篇連載法庭案件HCA 77/2020 第九十回:聆案官糊塗透頂,未審先判,與高盧人安盛AXA及荒唐鏡孖士打律師行私相授受。中港通關後,原告人將親率數百苦主到高等法院示威抗議,必要時將腐敗的高等法院打個稀巴爛









聆案官糊塗透頂,未審先判,與高盧人安盛AXA及荒唐鏡孖士打律師行私相授受。 Outgoing Mail Magnet - 3x4 Inch Mailbox Notification Magnets:  Kitchen & Diningfrom: 李牧香港在線
cc: complaints
date: Jul 7, 2021, 10:21 PM
subject: Fwd: HCA 77/2020 AXA (2nd Defendant) Hearing on May 20, 2021

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To the attention of Solicitor Yim, Legal Aid Department

Dear Solicitor Yim,

I recall with much pleasure the nice discussion we had had in your office this morning.

As instructed, I am forwarding the original email message, followed by mail in hard copies to the 2nd Defendant's Solicitor and the Court, which was dispatched to Mayer Brown on May 14, 2021 as soon as I knew that I needed to be self-isolated as advised by the United Christian Hospital.

In addition, in response to your second instruction, I am submitting herewith the Judgement Notice by the stupid hearing-in-charge for your reference.

I say that the hearing-in-charge was stupid because the remarks made therein by him were some of most ridiculous words that ever went into the head of a man.

1. He mentioned that no sufficient reasons had been provided by the plaintiff. Obviously, he had not as yet taken time to view my many pages of concrete evidence provided in my 3 Affidavits. He is guilty of an indiscretion or laziness (I shall be seeking the guidance from Mr. Andrew Cheung Kui-nung immediately and without fail, for I feel that the job may not be suitable for him or he is not suitable for the job) ;

2. Without examining the case in depths, he jumped to the opinion that the case is of a trivial nature, so detrimental to the law field and society as a Judge, (but when you know that the essence of my claim is in connection with a sum of no less than RMB20 Billion belonging to hundreds of people's blood, tear, sweat and toil earned money suddenly evaporated in the greedy hands of AXA, 24 persons arrested end 2020, 450M assets frozen and some precious lives had been lost as result of AXA's various and many fraudulent & unscrupulous deeds, he should be ashamed of his making this ridiculous remark so lightly (As soon as the virus crisis is over, I shall not hesitate to lead the hundreds of victims of the 「Evolution」Scam to make a mixture of vibrant demonstration and protest in front of the High Court) ; 

3. Without first asking his heart and properly using the noodles in his head, he thinks that the Plaintiff is abusing the law, again without knowing that there has been some monkey business, or bribery, precisely described, between some individuals in the Court and 2nd Defendant AXA, with Mayer Brown as the bridge. When you concretely see that there are hundreds and thousands of fingers pointing at the 2nd Defendant AXA in a swelling chorus everyday, and AXA is still in its unbridled audacity, swaggering about as they were and are now, he still turns a blind eye in front of God and in the full light of the day (the victims of the 「Evolution」Scam and I may wish to notify him that we shall be erecting a class action against the wrongful Court judgement, in particular the hearing-in-charge soon and without fail should he not retract this remark in due course).

I have nothing to add anymore but await your further instruction quietly and patiently.

My Kindest Regards,

S.T. Li (Plaintiff)

Supplementary information


長篇連載法庭案件HCA 77/2020

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