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  財富博士: 江恩理論與易經投資法On Gann Theory
Dr. Wealth 財富博士
On I-Ching & Gann Theory, ... 
Dear hkonline viewers,
美國普林斯頓大學教授Burton Malkiel在1973年的經典鉅著【漫步華爾街】中,詳細解釋他的【有效率市場理論】,已成為現今大部分專業投者專家的投資聖經。此理論說出在普遍的交易時段中,最專業的投資專家或全無經驗投資者,在短線買賣的小額銀碼勝負機會率根本完全無分別,所以我提出以江恩理論及易經投資法,為普通投資者在普通交易時段中,將百分之五十的獲勝機率稍為提昇。


Burton Malkiel popularized the 【Efficient Markets Theory】 in 1973 in his book 【A Random Walk on Wall Street】and becomes the Bible of most of the professional investment experts nowadays. This means that in normal trading times for short term trading, the chances of winning and losing of small money for the Investment Professional Experts and Ordinary Investment Dummies are basically the same --- but my mixture of Gann and I-Ching Theory may be able to shift the advantage from the Market to the Players to a certain small but higher extent, and that's why I recommand to you.
However, to achieve Big Killings and Timingly Catching the Big Swings of the Markets to make big earnings you need Professional Experts. 


l          江恩投資交易理論自上世紀初已名留投資界青史,前無古人,至今未有來者。在1909年10月連續25天,在美國紐約一眾知名記者監察下,江恩以他的博大精深,看似既玄但又實用的獨創理論,狂賺告捷5000萬美元(以每年通脹率3%計,約為現時購買力11億美元) 。在深入解構江恩理論下,發現江恩理論包含大量中國學術元素如易經及中國節氣計算 (江恩認為中國24節氣 -- 春天的節氣:立春、雨水、驚蟄、春分、穀雨、清明 夏天的節氣:立夏、小滿、芒種、夏至、小暑、大暑 秋天的節氣:立秋、處暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降 冬天的節氣:立冬、小雪、大雪、冬至、小寒、大寒為市況轉角位並會或多或少對投資產品價值關係不斷影響,由此認為津渡已然尋得,強渡投資世界洶湧激流不足為懼)。
l          易經乃文王所作,三千多年來長居中國群經之首。上至森嚴宮殿帝王將相國之大事,下至尋常巷陌平民百姓日常生活文化及做人處事道理皆深受其深遠影響。西方學者深入研究後,認為此絕非鬼神迷信之鉅鑄,為明瞭其博大精深之處連大哲學家也為之技窮。
Additional Summary:
l.           William Debert Gann and his Gann Theory has since 1909 been a famous Legend in the Investment World history. In October 1909, for only as short as a period of 25 days, Gann, in front of the Press, using his self developed mixture of Gann & I-Ching Theory, performed with a real money trading a/c and made an enormous killing of US$50M (equivalent to today’s US$1.1B at 3% inflation rate per annum).
2.        I-Ching has been the leading Classic book of Occultism, Literature and Philosophy in China since 3000 years old, still now, of course, and most probably in the everlasting future in the history of Chinese. 
      With this computer system, we can at least for sure conquer Greed, Fear, Ignorance, Hope and Procrastination when we do our daily investment tradings, though some others are still remained to be seen.
I have therefore constructed a mixture of I-Ching & Gann Theory oriented fully computerzed trading mechanism for the short term and day tradings. We may discuss in further depths via the Forum or Live Chat Zone....
  • 投資專家在市場非常時段大幅波動中賺取厚利 / Big Killings & Catching the Extra-ordinary Big Swings of the Market by Professional Investment Experts:
  • Burton Malkiel's Efficient Markets Theory in A Random Walk on Wall Street / Burton Malkiel在漫步華爾街一書中的有效率市場理論:





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